Wir schreiben das Jahr 2025 und irgendwie ist die Situation von Karaoke immernoch frustrierend. Also ganz prinzipiell gibt es zwei Arten an Karaoke: 1) Singstarlike: Man muss beim singen Tonhöhen treffen und bekommt dafür Punkte. Am Ende gewinnt der mit am Meisten Punkten. 2) Klassisch: Es gibt getimmte lyrics und darauf passende Songs. Vertreter für… Continue reading Karaoke und Linux
Category: tech
Sticker Files
you can find my sticker designs from now on on my git repository: https://git.bau-ha.us/nachtpfoetchen/sticker
Screen isolation in sway (locking mouse to one screen)
Some games and other full screen applications are not locking my mouse to one screen (like fallout 4 for me). So i wrote a little binding mode to fix this. The idea is to set my right screen diagonal to my left screen. so the mouse cannot get to it. After playing i can go… Continue reading Screen isolation in sway (locking mouse to one screen)
How to batch add subtitles to videos using ffmpeg
for n in $(seq -w 01 26); do ffmpeg -i inputvideo${n}.mkv -i inputsubtitle${n}.srt -c copy outputvideo${n}_sub.mkv; done So in this example we have all video files and subtitle files in one folder. The video files are named all in the pattern “inputvideo${n}.mkv” and the subtitles in “inputsubtitle${n}.srt” In total we have 26 videos and… Continue reading How to batch add subtitles to videos using ffmpeg